Through an integrative and progressively challenging approach to learning that is grounded in the liberal arts, the general studies program cultivates the development of creative, independent thinkers and learners who appreciate diverse perspectives in multiple contexts and who are informed, educated and active members of society.
Follow DepartmentThrough an integrative and progressively challenging approach to learning that is grounded in the liberal arts, the general studies program cultivates the development of creative, independent thinkers and learners who appreciate diverse perspectives in multiple contexts and who are informed, educated and active members of society.
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General Education Program has no upcoming events
Wed, Mar 27, 2024 3:45am to 4:45am
Levine Center for Wellness and Recreation, Claudia Belk Room
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 3:50pm to 5pm
Virtual Event
0Mon, Feb 10, 2020 7pm to 9pm
Sykes Learning Center, Ketner Auditorium
0No recent activity